An adjective used attributively is generally placed immediately before the Nouns;as,
- King Francis was a hearty king, and loved a royal sport.
- Where are you going, my pretty maid, with your rosy cheeks and golden hair?
- O Captain ! my Captain ! our fearful trip is done.
- a great nobleman's, and
a nobleman's great son.
- Children dear, was it yesterday?
- We heard the sweet bells over the bay.
- O man with sisters dear !
- There dwelt a miller hale and bold.
- The king, fearless and resolute, at once advanced.
- Franklin had a great genius, original, sagacious, and inventive.
- He was a man fertile in resource.
- A Sikh, taller than any of his comrades, rushed forward.
- Heir apparent, time immemorial, lord paramount, viceroy elect, letters patent, knights temporal, notary public, body politic, God Almighty.
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