Adjectives Used As Nouns

Published on Thursday, 5 April 2012 in

Adjectives are often used as Nouns.
1. As Plural Nouns denoting a class of persons;as,
The cautious (= cautious person) are not always cowards.
The rich (= rich) people know not how the poor (= poor people) live.
The wicked (= wicked people) flee when no man pursueth, but the righteous (= righteous people) are bold as a lion.
Blessed are the meek.
2. As Singular Nouns denoting some abstract quality;as,
The future (= futurity) is unknown to us.
He is lover of the beautiful (= beauty in general)
3. Some Adjectives actually become Nouns, and are hence used in both numbers:
a) Those derived from Proper Nouns; as, Australians, Canadians, Italians.
b) Some denoting persons;as, juniors, seniors, mortals, inferiors, superiors, nobles, criminals, savages, elders, minors.
c) A few denoting things generally;as, secrets, totals, liquids, solids, valuables.
{Some adjectives are used as Nouns only in the plural;as, valuables, eatables.}
4. In certain phrases;as,
In general, in future, in short, in secret, before long, at present, for good;

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